Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life Lately

So it has been a while since I've posted. Mostly because we haven't been doing too much these past few weeks. 
Last week I got to take my sweet cousins, Chandler (4) and Kinley (2) out for ice cream for their birthdays.

 I have absolutely loved getting to spend more time with these two and their brother and sister Carter and Laurel. Last Thursday night Add and I had all four of them stay the night with us so Keri and J could have a night off before homeschooling starts up. It was eventful to say the least. They immediately sat down for cartoons but that wasn't going to fly! I was there to play with them and entertain them. We played hide-and-go-seek for a good while, built a fort in our living room, cooked rice krispies and ate yummy pizza. We then watched a movie, got them all ready for bed and spent another 30 minutes trying to get the little ones to go down. I think they were just too excited to go to sleep! Our bedroom turned into one big pallet as all of them decided to stay with us in our room. Around 4:00 A.M. we got to experience what it would be like to have a little one in bed with us as Kinley wanted right in the middle! 

Like I've said before we've come to a pretty good stopping place on the house for a little while. We needed to take a break and so did our bank account. I'm sure our neighbors are wondering when in the world we are going to do something with our front yard. We'll get there one of these days but at the moment our ripped up bushes and dead grass will just have to do. 

When we got the entertainment center in our house my mom filled it with a few odds and ends that we had laying around the house (I let her do all the decorating) and she recently added to it. I'm still wanting to buy some old books, a mini plant, big baskets and little frames with family in them but for now this is what it looks like!

Update on job hunt:
Just a recap of what has been going on in the job hunt the past few weeks. I went in for an interview with First Financial a few weeks ago and was told that they didn't have a place for me at the moment but that I could fill my Internship requirements through A&M next semester with them. Well...they called back on last Friday and said that they got approved to hire an intern for this semester! I went in yesterday to fill out some papers, get background checked and drug tested. Crossing my fingers I passed ;) They should get back the results today and let me know when I'll start. This was a huge blessing for me and Addison. Even though I am enjoying my time being a housewife, getting to spend extra time with my mom, dad and rest of the family I am getting a little stir crazy and needed to feel like I was actually doing something with my days. I am beyond excited to start working in the Human Resources Department for First Financial. They are all so sweet and just as excited for me. 

Today, Add goes to Glenrose for a retreat for his work until Friday. I'll definitely be missing him but we'll reunite Friday as we head to Corpus Christi for Labor Day Weekend! We are so excited to see Abe and Court and spend some time at the beach. 

We hope you have a blessed week and a fun weekend!

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