Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One Month!

Tatum Blair I cannot believe you are one month old!  This makes me sad and happy all at the same time.  Sad-because I already see you growing up right before my very eyes.  How am I ever going to send you off to Kindergarten one day?  Happy-because I see you growing and learning new things each and every day.  I just can't imagine that it has already been one month since we met you.  It feels like we have known you forever.  

A few days old with your cousin, Macee.
You have truly been such a good baby.  Daddy and I have learned your different cries so we usually know exactly what you need when you start to whimper or grunt as we call it.  Other than that, you normally never cry unless you are getting your diaper changed or taking a bath.  You think diaper changes and baths are the worst thing in the entire world!  I bathe you every other night so your sensitive skin doesn't get too dried out.  We have little cleaning wipes that I use on you in between baths if you need them.  There's nothing like a freshly bathed baby though!
You absolutely love to be snuggled.  If I could sit on the couch all day and snuggle you, you would be completely happy.  During the day, I feed you every two to three hours, we have about 30 minutes or more of "play-time" and then I swaddle you back up and you fall right asleep.  This is when I try and put you down in your Mamaroo or your swing that is in our bedroom so you don't get too use to being held all the time.  We have noticed the more you get held during the day, the less you sleep at night.  
Your first Easter!
At exactly one month old
Speaking of sleep, this probably isn't the best day for me to right about this subject since you kept us up for about 3 hours last night, but normally you are a pretty good sleeper.  About week 3, I started letting you wake me up during the night to feed instead of me waking you up every 3-4 hours.  You normally will sleep 3-5 hours at a time at night and then go back to sleep.  We can tell when you are going through growth spurts though because you will wake me up every 2-3 hours.  Sometimes you like to stay awake for a minute and smile and talk but you usually will go right back to sleep after.  It really does vary night to night so I try not to get too use to any one night.  If you ever get fussy or won't go back to sleep, daddy always comes to the rescue and rocks you.  Most of the time I try to let daddy sleep since he has to get up for work, but he never minds rocking you for a little bit and getting in some snuggles in the night so I can get a little sleep.  Once you start sleeping 5 hours pretty continuously I will move you into your bedroom.  For now, you sleep in a cozy bassinet next to our bed.

Breastfeeding is still going great.  At night, you are a great eater!  During the day, it usually takes a little bit more effort from the both of us to get in a good 15-20 minutes of solid eating.  There were a few times I was "worried" that you weren't getting enough milk but we weighed you this week and you went from 6 lb.'s 8 oz's at birth to 8 lb.'s 4 oz's!  This made me very happy and confirmed that you are indeed getting enough to eat and growing like a little weed.  Another reason I was a little worried you weren't getting enough milk is because I feel like you spit it all up after you eat.  I brought this to your pedi's attention and she said you were a "happy spitter" which means it doesn't bother you and you are gaining enough weight.  This just means lots of bibs, burp cloths, clothing changes, blanket changes and loads of laundry!  Your daddy also surprised me with a very nice breast pump, so now I can pump a bottle when we are about to go somewhere and I know you will get hungry.  This way I don't have to force feed you before we leave.  It is definitely a good thing to have, but you still prefer to breastfeed over taking a bottle which I more than happy with.  
You love to snuggle with daddy.
"Get me outta this thing"
In the past week I have started to do tummy time and lay you on your back to "play" in your activity gym.  You have a very strong neck and lift it up quite often.  You like to lift your neck and turn right to left when we are holding you up by our shoulder.  I think month 2 will bring a little more awake time and we can practice more tummy time and playing a little bit longer.  You love to "talk" to the animals hanging from the activity gym and sometimes will even smile at them. 
One of your first friends-Crew!
You are still in all of your newborn clothes and diapers.  We buy newborn diapers by the week because we just keep thinking you will move to size 1 soon.  You are getting a little too long for your NB sleepers so I think pretty soon I will start putting you in your 0-3 month sleepers.  You wore your first 0-3 month onsie the other day and it actually fit pretty well!  Most of your NB clothes are for cooler weather so we are going to have to start incorporating 0-3 month so you won't get too hot in this Texas heat.  I am also ready for you to start wearing all your cute 0-3 month summer outfits!

You love to be swaddled, but when you wake up you want those arms out and moving around!  You love your paci during the day but most of the time during the night you won't take it, which is actually a good thing.  You love your swing that is in our bedroom and it will usually put you right to sleep.  You like your Mamaroo too but you normally already have to be asleep for you to stay content in it.  You normally like to ride in the car and most of the time you will go right to sleep.  Last but not least, you love it when mommy and daddy talk to you and smile at you.  You have started to "talk" right back and give us the biggest smiles!  It melts our hearts every time. 
Your sweet cousins loving on you. 
Like I said before, you don't like getting your diaper changed, waiting to eat or baths.  You also don't like getting in your carseat but once we get in the car you are usually pretty content.  Other than that, you a pretty easy-going baby!
I am pretty attached to you, which I don't think is a bad thing.  The first time you rode with someone other than daddy and me, is when I had to go to the ER and your Grandmama(?) had to take you for a little bit.  Really, it is easiest to just have you with me in case you get hungry.  I have also left you a few times when I have had doctor's appointments or have gone to work out.  I always miss you SO much and am always ready to have you back in my arms.  
About three weeks old with cousin Laney.
As far as being a mommy goes, I feel like I am starting to get the hang of day to day tasks however, each day has it challenges.  I told Addison that I feel like either the house is put together or I am put together.  He is very sweet and always denies my comments like that.  I now know why momma's of babies never have their nails painted.  As soon as you fall asleep I am usually rushing to pick up things around the house, start laundry, do dishes or shower.  I do realize things I use to take for granted are now luxuries.  I have a few pairs of pants that I bought a size up while I was pregnant that have really helped in me feeling better about my body after baby.  They trick me into thinking I am back in my old size.  I really did not want to be in maternity pants any longer than I absolutely had to, considering I was ready to be out of them almost as soon as I started wearing them.  I really don't mind my new body, just wanted to be able to wear my old clothes.  I have been told I need to take more naps during the day and I have been trying to do that lately.  I still have not got on a good cleaning/laundry schedule.  Both of these usually happen very sporadically.  

You have been such a joy and the sweetest baby.  I am trying not to wish any one moment away as I have already figured out you grow way too fast.  I cannot wait to (slowly) see what the next month has to bring!

Tatum, at 5 1/2 weeks you are wearing only 0-3 month sleepers and mostly 0-3 month clothes.  We have about 6 more NB diapers left and then we will get you going on size 1.  I started you out in your crib for first time last night, but I think it was a little too soon as you are still waking me up every 2-3 hours right now.  (I think you are going through a growth spurt.)  In the past week and a half, you have started to like your baths more which I am so happy about.  You have gotten even more smiley and we will do anything to see them!  You are just the sweetest and we love you so so much.

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