Saturday, April 12, 2014

The past few weeks

How do I even put into words the past almost three weeks of our lives?  It has been the most fulfilling, the most exhausting, the happiest, sometimes the hardest but most of all the most joyful time of our entire lives!  
Our Tatum Blair is almost three weeks old and is doing so well.  It is amazing how much she has already changed in such a short amount of time.  When we came home from the hospital we had tons of visitors and lots of help.  We decided from the beginning that we would not have help at night and just "bare through" those long hours together, but during the day we had plenty of arms to rock our sweet girl while momma and daddy got some naps in!  (This was also because we only have two bedrooms and didn't want our momma's to have to sleep on the couch!) 
Tatum started out not sleeping so well.  She had lots of fluid that still needed to come up and choked a lot during the night.  The first two nights of her being home we held her the entire time as we never knew when she she would start choking...and it terrified us...and we liked the snuggles.  Night three, my mom propped her head up a little bit in her bassinet and after sucking out a lot of the fluid she slept peacefully and soundly (between feedings).  She still would rather be held all day than be put down, but the Mamaroo definitely helps me out when I need to get some things done around the house.

She started out eating every 2-3 hours during the day and also during the night.  She still eats every 2-3 hours during the day and has moved about every 4 hours during the night.  As soon as she was born, we did skin-to-skin and she breastfed soon after.  Ever since then she has done great breastfeeding and has even taken a few pumped bottles.  Breastfeeding has been amazing.  I love the 15-20 minutes that I just get to sit and stare in her big blue eyes.  She has had little problems latching on and no problems gaining weight.  There were a few days that were quite painful but overall it has been a great experience.  
We have been giving her cloth baths every other day until just the other night when she got her first real bath.  She didn't quite know what to think about it but decided by the end it was not a good thing.  I hope she starts to like them soon!  I think we will probably start making this a nightly routine in the next few weeks as I think it will make her go to sleep faster and sleep sounder.  Even though she has been a pretty good sleeper she makes all sorts of noises and talks during her sleep so the littlest sound will wake me up. 
We have gotten out a few times for doctor's appointments and to run a few errands, but mostly I have not been feeling well.  The first two weeks after delivery I was still really sore and it just wasn't fun going anywhere.  Going into the third week, I woke up in the middle of night with some sharp pains in my lower middle back and abdomen.  After calling my OB, giving a urine sample, giving blood and doing a sonogram of my kidney's, almost a week later they told me I had a few kidney stones.  So, for the past week I have been on pain meds and have had fever come and and go everyday.  One minute I'll feel fine and the next I'll be doubled over in pain.  My mom was a saint this past week in helping us.  She stayed two nights on the couch to help me get some rest and help with things around the house.  I have NO idea what I would have done without her, since Add obviously has to be well rested for work!  On top of that, yesterday morning I had a little scare and was in the ER for over 5 hours.  After not seeing a doctor, Add and I finally left.  It has been a crazy week to say the least.  I am definitely ready to just feel normal again and be able to fully enjoy my husband and baby.   
At Tatum's two week appointment she had gained 6 ounces, making her weigh 6 lb.'s and 15 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches tall!  I was very happy that breastfeeding was working well for her too.  Made this momma very proud!  I feel like this next week will be a new start, now that I have my pain manageable and things are getting back to normal.  
There have been so many times that I have just sat in the middle of the night, while feeding, and thanked God for my husband and for our sweet baby girl.  With everything that has happened, I still wouldn't change a thing.  I still can't believe that she is ours forever.  What a precious, precious blessing she is to us.  

1 comment:

  1. A blessing indeed! Glad nursing is going well! It was always such a special time for Preston and I as well! Soak it all up... The saying "the days are long but the years are short" could not be more true! Congratulations! She is beautiful just like her momma!
