Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was pretty special this year as it was my first with my sweet girl.  I still can't believe that I am a mother and I have a daughter of my own.  We started out celebrating Addison's momma on Saturday night.  We cooked out burgers and just had some family time celebrating Gaylene! On Sunday, we had Mother's Day at our house with my side of the family so everyone could relax and hold/play with Tatum.  It was also good we stayed away from restaurants because this way my mom could be with her momma.  My Mawmaw has dementia and Alzheimer's and is to the point where she can't really go out in public anymore.  She usually will forget where she is, gets nervous and wants to leave immediately.  The food took a little longer to bake then I thought it would but in the end everyone left with a full belly.

My mom was happy to have all three of us kids with her and to have her mom and granddaughter with her too were the cherries on top.  I was so tired after everyone left and I think Tatum was too because we both took about a three hour nap. I have a feeling next year my husband will plan a very relaxing day for me and I won't have to do a thing. ;)  

I could not be more thankful for my little girl.  She has been the light of my life and has brought so much joy to my heart.  There is nothing she could ever do that would make me love her less.  I am so blessed to be called her mom.

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