Friday, April 25, 2014

Tatum's Birth Story

On March 17th, (two days past Tatum's due date) Addison and I went to my 40 week doctor's appointment just knowing that Dr. Mascorro would induce by the end of the week if Tatum did not come on her own.  Little did we know, we would still have to wait another week to meet our little girl.  We had been praying for peace and patience but by this point we had just exhausted ourselves wondering when she was ever going to get here!  After monitoring Tatum's heart rate in labor and delivery for about an hour after the appointment (it was really high), Dr. Mascorro released us with instructions to come the following Sunday at 4:00pm to start cervadil.  Cervadil is a drug that they insert behind the cervix to help soften and dilate the cervix.  
Keri and Kinley on Sunday night-before all the madness started.  
How the majority of my night went. 
We arrived at the hospital at 4:00 and by 5:00 they had started my IV and inserted the cervadil with instructions that it needed to stay in for 12 hours.  At this point I was still only dilated to 1/2 cm.  I had a strange feeling though, that they would need to take the cervadil out sooner.  My cousin, Keri, came up to visit with her youngest to keep us company for a little bit.  Addison's brother, Abe and his wife, Courtney also came up and brought us dinner!  (We hope to be able to do this for them in four short months!)  By 10:00pm on Sunday I was having some pretty painful contractions and knew that the cervadil was working a little faster than they thought it would!  I finally called the nurse in to check me and I was at 3 cm dilated and definitely having contractions so she immediately took out the cervadil in hopes that Tatum would wait until Dr. Mascorro could deliver her the next day.  

When they started the IV the night before, I swelled up like a balloon!
The contractions were the worst pain I have ever had and probably will ever have, but I couldn't get the epidural until I was 4 cm dilated.  Since the nurse took out the cervadil I wasn't progressing as fast, therefore it would take a little bit longer to dilate.  I was given a dose of pain medication and went straight to sleep for about two hours around 10:00pm.  When I woke up I was in even more pain but still was not at 4cm and could not have more pain medicine until Tatum's heart rate went up a little bit.  From 12:00-4:00, when I finally got my epidural, I was in extreme pain.  I have no idea how momma's handle those contractions without an epidural!  I have so much respect for them.  The epidural wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Since I was already in so much pain, the epidural didn't really even bother me.  There was a shock that went up the right side of my body and that scared me a little bit but other than that I was just happy to finally be pain free.  

My dad.  (We don't know what he's going to be called yet.)
GayGay and Add
From 4:00 on, I was feeling good!  I woke up about 7:00 and it was time to get things ready to start the induction.  Dr. Mascorro came in around 8:30 to break my water and start the pitocin.  Family and friends started came to hang out with us as we all anxiously waited.  For some reason, I started to  lightly feel the contractions on my left side so I could tell when they were getting closer together.  After a few hours, my nurse checked me and I was already at a 8.5!  Our family and friends gave us hugs and off they went!  Next time they would see us, we would be parents of the most precious baby girl.  
My mom
Aunt Courtney-mine and Add's SIL
Aunt Ashlee-Addison's sister
My cousin, Keri
About 20 minutes later I started to push.  I did some "test runs" with the nurse so she could see how long it would take for Tatum to get here.  Dr. Mascorro was delivering another baby at that moment so the nurse had to stop for me a little bit while we waited on her.  When she came in, I pushed for what seemed like about 20 minutes and then our world changed forever. Tatum Blair came out crying the sweetest little cry.  I couldn't control my emotions and cried the happiest cry of my life!  What a feeling it is when you meet your child for the first time.  There really is nothing like it.  
My Aunt Connie and cousin Laurel (Keri's daughter)
Templeton girls plus Add

Addison cut the umbilical cord and then Dr. Mascorro immediately placed her on my chest while she stitched me up.  After they got her cleaned up a little bit, they let me do skin to skin and she breastfed soon after.  This all felt so natural.  I can't imagine it going any differently.  Addison and I got to have some time alone with her for just a little bit and then we finally let family and friends come in to meet her!
Uncle Travis-my oldest brother
Pa-Add's dad
My cousin Angie
Ashlee and Dallas
I don't think her birth could have gone any better.  I was happy to have experienced some contractions, even though they hurt like nobody's business.  My nurses were absolutely amazing throughout the whole process.  I have never felt more cared for in my entire life.  They were there for every need of mine, whether it was to speak quietly over me while I was having a contraction or to do the not so fun stuff!  I will forever be grateful for them and Dr. Mascorro for being so so sweet.  Addison was such an awesome support system for me during those long hours of contractions.  He stayed by my side the entire time and held my hand and told me how amazing I was doing.  I was so thankful for him and all he did for me.
My "Bachelor Night" girls

About to go home!
As far as after delivery, you go through some things that are just not fun.  I was very sore for about 2 weeks.  After that, the soreness got a lot better but wasn't completely gone until about 4 weeks.  Again, I was so thankful for my nurse and Addison.  My nurses went above and beyond any expectations that I might have had.  I learned that sometimes their job is not so glamorous, but boy was I glad to have them there.  Addison was still my biggest support system and helped me in every possible way during my hospital stay and after.  I cannot even begin to tell y0u how thankful I was for my husband!  I've got a good one, ladies! 

Almost five weeks out and I am finally starting to feel like my old self again and it feels amazing.  Even though I miss those sweet little kicks in my belly, I am definitely glad to be able to breathe again and do normal things without getting tired or swelling up like a balloon.  Dr. Mascorro released me last week to start walking, light jogging or to do the elliptical.  I was very excited about this and exercised three days this week so far and I am exhausted!  I still have quite a ways to go until I am back in my pre-pregnancy size so I am trying to find the balance between exercising, eating and breastfeeding.    

The Lord has been so good to us the past four weeks.  We have a healthy baby girl that we cannot get enough of.  I look at her and just melt.  We simply cannot imagine life without her!  We love you to the moon and back, sweet Tater bug!

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