Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tatum's Nursery!

I finally feel like Tatum's nursery is to the point where I can post some pictures!  I'm sure it will continue to change a little bit over the next few months, but I absolutely love how it is turning out.  Since I just "knew" this baby was a boy, I did not have a vision for a little girls room so we just kind of did stuff as the pregnancy went along!
I absolutely love her white linen bedding and the sweet quilt from a close friend!  

Notice the pink-haired troll in the bottom right...
I can't believe next week we will finally be able to walk into her room with her in our arms.  It has been quite frustrating walking by it everyday and still not having her here.  We just can't wait!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

40 Weeks

Miss Tatum's due date has come and gone.  We have been anticipating March 15th for quite some time and did not quite expect that she wouldn't make it here by that day.  We were a little a lot disappointed but trust in God's perfect plan.  

This past weekend was a pretty busy one, so it was probably a good thing that little miss did not make her debut.  First off, Addison's oldest sister, Amy, and her husband and kids all came in town for the end of Spring Break.  It is always good to be with family that we don't get to see that often.  We can't wait to be able to take Tatum to College Station/Katy one of these days to visit them!  My brother, Trent also came into town again and brought with him my parents new Australian Shepard puppy.  It has been quite a treat to see him two weekends in a row!  
Getting some practice in with the new puppy.
My lap is full!
On Friday, Addison treated me to a pedicure which was amazing!  Before that though, I tried my chance at the bouncy ball to help induce labor....obviously didn't help.
Saturday, we celebrated the life of my SIL, Courtney's, sweet grandfather.  Courtney and I have known each other for a very long time so I grew up seeing "Bobo" quite a bit.  It was a beautiful ceremony and he will be very missed.  
Both of the boys in a suit!
Sunday was lazy for me but busy for Addison.  After church I got to nap but Addison had to work on a few different things. I love my Sunday naps!  I also learned this past weekend that my OB was out of town for Spring Break so I was very glad when we made it through Sunday without going into labor.
I knew it would be a busy Monday and long day but I had no idea how long and busy it would be!  Monday's are my "cleaning days". I thought last week would be my last Monday to clean for a little bit but I geared up to clean house again and get it over with for the week.  My mom was super sweet and came over bright and early to help me get started since it really is so hard to clean a bathtub at over 40 weeks pregnant.  I was very thankful for her help.  After cleaning the house, the carpet cleaners came and got the carpets looking and smelling fresh.  I had a few errands to run and then mom and I headed to my doctor's appointment.  While I went to my appt, mom went upstairs at the hospital to visit my MawMaw (my mom's mom).  She had been admitted a few days before due to a few things. Addison met me at the appt and about after an hour and 15 minutes of waiting, we finally got back to see Dr. Mascorro.  Tatum was moving quite a bit so her heart rate was a little high.  She checked me and what do ya know?  No change since last week.  She then sent us over to the sonogram room to measure the fluid around Tatum and get some measurements.  Everything looked good besides that stinkin' heart rate.  The nurse came in and hooked me up to monitor Tatum's heart rate for about 15 minutes to see if it would go down.  This was all due to her being so active but Dr. Mascorro wanted to make sure it would go down at some point and stay consistent for a while.  She ended up sending us over to labor and delivery to continue monitoring her.  It was about 5:30 when we started in l&d.  After a while she finally calmed down and we got to leave about 7:00.  We left with instructions to come back Sunday at 4:00 to start the induction process if she does not come on her own before then.

So, this leads us to where we are now...clean house, finished nursery, bags packed and ready to go in hopes that my body will cooperate and we won't have to wait until next Monday to meet our little girl.  You may be asking why is she waiting until over a week after my due date to induce me?  The answer is my cervix is not quite ready to be induced.  I have been praying for the last week that Addison and I would have  peace about what Dr. Mascorro decided today.  We both trust her and know that only wants what is best for baby and me.  Yes, I am tired of being pregnant and cannot wait to have our baby girl here, but I will do whatever is best for Tatum and if that means going over a week past her due date, then that's what we'll do!  
40 weeks
How far along: 40 weeks, 3 days
Due date: Will not go past March 24th!
Size: Around 20 inches and somewhere around 7 lb.'s 6 oz's.  
Movement: I can't even describe how active she is.  However, when someone wants to feel her move she immediately stops and "falls asleep".  Active like her daddy and stubborn like her mommy.
Sleep: Getting pretty good sleep from about midnight to 5:00 with about 3 bathroom breaks.  After 5:00, I wake up about every 30 minutes.
Symptoms: Hey, that lower abdomen and back pain that I have been "complaining" about are apparently called "contractions".  Who knew?  I got to feel and then watch for them in labor and delivery when Tatum was being monitored.  I know exactly what they feel like now so I can be on closer watch for them to get closer and stronger if that so happens.  
Cravings/Aversions: Still eat whatever makes me happy.  Cannot wait to be a normal human being again and actually have to watch what I eat.
Maternity clothes: I may or may not burn them all after next week.
Best moment this week: Finding out that we have at the most, one more week until we meet our girl.
Next appointment: No more appointments!!!! 

Please be in prayer with us over the next week for patience and peace!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

100 Million Weeks (aka 39)

We have officially made it to due-date week!  Little girl is due THIS Saturday the 15th but will probably surpass this day.  Yesterday, I got a burst of energy and spent all morning cleaning in hopes that Dr. M would tell me later that day that I had progressed big time and she was ready to come out!  Hah!  One can hope right?  Instead I was told I had not progressed at all and that she would give me until 41 weeks.  I was a little disappointed but also a little relieved that we didn't have to make any big decisions such as inducing her before her due date.  Right now she is measuring right on track but still only about 6 1/2 lbs.  so giving her a little more time is ok with me.  

Addison got home early yesterday and I could not have been more thankful.  I still had a little mopping and vacuuming to do and he jumped in there and finished it for me as all that energy I had "magically" went away but was determined to get it all done.  We went on a short walk around our neighborhood and about 20 minutes in, Millie and I both needed to be carried.  Somehow Millie won out.  

Going back to last weekend, Addison and I got a ton done and we officially have everything ready for Tatum to come home.  I absolutely loved spending the whole day with Addison and was so thankful for that time together.  His middle sister, Misty and her husband and kids came in from College Station so that was a lot of fun seeing them.  My brother, Trent also came in for the weekend!  Sunday, I went to church with my parents and ate lunch while Addison had to work for a little bit.  I got in a good nap and got up just in time for our Life Group get-together at Pa and GayGay's.  

Addison with sweet Macee.
This was our first get-together since life group started about a month ago, so it was a lot of fun getting to talk with everyone and seeing all the kids running around.  However, even with the time change, once 8:00 hit we were ready to head home and get ready for bed.  What a productive and fun weekend!  
39 Weeks
How far along: 39 weeks, 3 days
Due date: This Saturday, the 15th!
Size: Getting close to 20 inches and about 6 1/2 lbs.
Sleep: Sleep is still hit or miss.  
Movement: I don't think she gets how little room she actually has or that it hurts me when she stretches her whole body out.  I get lots of feet sticking out of my right side these days.  Crazy girl.
Symptoms: Sore feet, lots of nerve pain down my legs and back when she moves, lower back and abdomen pain, and swollen everything.
Cravings/Aversions: I eat whatever makes me happy right now.  However, I can't wait to get back into a good work-out routine and eating healthier.
Maternity clothes: I thought I was going to be able to give my borrowed maternity shirts back soon but it looks like I'll be keeping them for a little bit longer...
Best moment this week: We're only a few days in but I would have to say finishing everything around the house that needed to get done.  I would still love to plant a few flowers on my front porch and do some other things that aren't necessarily a need.  
Next appointment: Monday, March 17th.  Say a little prayer she comes before then!

Clinging to the Lord's perfect timing and plan!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

38 Weeks!

**Disclaimer: This post is about 5 days old but thought I would go ahead and share anyways!  I will be posting week 39 in just a day or two!

Well, I started this post at 4:53 AM this morning if that tells you anything about how I am sleeping this week.  I quickly remembered that my husband was trying to sleep next to me so I stopped typing and browsed Pinterest for the next 45 minutes.  Needless to say, I am more than ready for this little girl to be sleeping in her Moses Basket instead of in my belly. On top of not sleeping well, I have also had a little cold of some sort.  Ran a little bit of fever, body aches, sore throat and tired.  I think my immune system and body have just been physically getting run down these last couple of weeks.  

My appointment on Monday (March 3rd) went well but didn't show much progress, if any, from last week.  Dr. M still gives me hope of getting to go into labor by telling me this is normal and things could change in a matter of minutes.  I have a feeling little girl wants to stay nice and cozy until her due date, which even at that, means we have less than 2 weeks until we meet her (now about a week at the most)...such a short time in the scheme of things.  I have to remind myself of this multiple times a day.

Add and I are going about our days and life as normal as possible.  We still have some things to get done in the nursery and around the house but I have to wait until Addison can help me and our nights and weekends have been completely full lately.  I am definitely ready for some quality time just me and him before Tatum gets here, which I hope we will get the chance to have this weekend (which we did and we got a lot completed!) in hopes that she will come on her own next week.  I have sort of accepted the fact that everything I wanted to get done (clean out every crevice of the whole house, basically) will not be done before she gets here.  Addison has to remind me that we will still be able to do most everything we did before Tatum gets here, just needing to prioritize those things a little differently.  I am definitely in nesting mode and want everything perfect, clean, straight and organized but am accepting that the fact that with my lack of energy and lack of ability to do a lot of things with a huge belly, things will just have to perfect as they are right now.  
The only picture I got last week...had to steal this one from my mom so I wouldn't have another picture-less update. 
38 Weeks
How far along: 38 weeks
Due date: March 15th (9 days!!!)
Size: She should be around 19.6 inches and the doctor said she is about 6 lb.'s.
Sleep: It is getting pretty hard to sleep.  Tuesday night (early morning) I was up for over 2.5 hours, partly because my hips were (are) killing me and partly because I was thinking about all the things we still have to do before she gets here.
Movement: 7:00-8:00 PM is when she really gets going rolling around and stretching those little legs out.  It still amazes me every single time and I know I will miss this one day!
Symptoms: Lots of pressure, lower back and abdomen pain and pretty swollen.  I can't wait to wear my wedding ring again.  
Cravings/Aversions: Still have my cup of orange juice every morning. 
Maternity clothes: What's most comfortable, of course, are sweatpants.  Still working with the same pair of jeans that I cannot wait to never wear again.  (Until baby #2 I guess...)  Wearing the same tops over and over again.  Feeling like a balloon that could float away at any moment if I get more swollen or eat one more dessert. 
Best moment this week: My mom and I got to see Tatum one last time on Monday before she is born.  It was more of a surprise sonogram, as Dr. M wanted to make sure that she was still head down, and she was!  It was harder to make out her body parts as only a few of them fit on the little sonogram screen now that she is so big, but she got some great shots of her pouty lips and perfect face.  
Next appointment: Monday, March 10th.

-I have Tatum's bag packed and ready to go!  Mine and Add's are pretty much packed, just have to throw in toiletries at the last minute and we'll be ready to go!
-Still needing to do a few things in the nursery but with Addison's crazy schedule, it will all have to wait until this weekend. (Got it all done on Saturday!)
-Trying not to wish this time away, but we are very ready to meet our little girl!

**As I reached 39 weeks on Saturday, our hopes of her coming early are dwindling.  I have had absolutely no contractions and have not progressed much at all.  I am really having to cling to the fact that the Lord is never a day early or a day late.  His timing is PERFECT.  He knows the exact day, hour and minute this little girl will make her entrance into the world.  Even though I am tired of having a big belly, hip pain, swollen everything, sore feet and just plain tired, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.  The Lord has truly blessed mine and Addison's relationship through this whole thing and taught us what life is truly about.  We cannot wait to meet our little miracle.  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

37 Weeks!

It's getting so close!  Here we are at 38 weeks but this post is all about 37.  I will update on 38 next week!  After the shower, my MIL, Ashlee and Courtney got busy organizing and putting away some of Tatum's gifts from the shower.  They are truly a God-send.  I tend to get overwhelmed with those type of things and with a super organized MIL and two SIL's that are here in Abilene, I truly appreciate them coming over and helping us out.  I know it made Addison happy as well.  They had everything organized so perfectly that all we had to do was pick up a few sacks with duplicates in them and return them to the appropriate store. 

I also got going on all her washing and putting away of things.  So far, all of her sweet clothes are washed and put away and pretty well organized everything else.  Something I have never had to think about for a tiny baby!  There are still a few essentials that we need to go get and a little more decorating then we will be ready and waiting for sweet Tatum to be here!  

I had my 37 week appointment last Monday and it went great. I haven't progressed that much in dilation-1 cm, but am now 50% effaced and head is down a little bit further.  It looks like my body is starting to cooperate and getting ready to bring this baby into the world in a just a few short weeks!

(sorry no picture this week)

37 Weeks
How far along: 37 weeks, 4 days (when I originally wrote this post)
Due date: March 15th
Size: 19ish inches and somewhere between 6 and 6.5 lb.'s
Sleep: So-so.  I think I am sleeping the best I possibly could at this point in my pregnancy.  My mom wanted to keep Millie this past Friday night (a week ago) and I slept from about 11:30-6:45.  (Millie gets down to get a drink of water at least a few times during the night and both Add and I are light sleepers and wake up every time.)  I woke up dying to go to the bathroom thinking it was the middle of the night and was so excited when I found out it was 6:45!! First time to sleep through the night in forever.  
Movement: Still moving all the time.  She gets very active around 8:00 at night and it gets extremely uncomfortable.  There just isn't enough room in there anymore!  I can't wait to lay her in our bed and play before bedtime.  
Cravings/Aversions: I pretty much eat whatever makes me happy right now.  I have totally hit that point of "I just really don't care" or "Yes, Addison I did have cake for breakfast...and lunch."  Coke makes me happy but I make sure to get enough water too.  Orange juice in the morning is a must.  I could eat McAllister's everyday of the week. 
Maternity clothes: Still in one pair of jeans, workout pants, and I wear the same tops over and over again.  
Best moment this week: We found out that Abe and Courtney are having a sweet little boy!!  The last four babies have been girls in our immediate family so a little boy is exactly what we all needed to watch over all these girly girls!  We could not be more excited for August to be here and love that little boy so much already!
Next appointment: Monday, March 3rd.