Sunday, June 10, 2012

Quick Update!

For the past 3 weeks our life has been nothing crazy. We bought a house, moved back to Abilene, Addson started his new job, I am working everyday on my online classes, already had 2 weddings and are still not slowing down! We also don't have internet yet so I'm not able to upload any pictures. We are LOVING our new house! It is taking a lot out of us in every way possible to make this house a home but I know that it will all be worth it in the end. Addison is really enjoying his new job at FDLIC. He went to San Diego last week and is leaving tomorrow for 3 different states in 4 days. He is going to be a well-traveled man! I do miss him a lot though when he is gone. I'll upload pictures and update more in detail soon!

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