Tuesday, January 10, 2012


A little behind on my blogging as usual...time just flies by! Addison and I had an awesome Christmas break. It was so much fun and definitely not as stressful as everyone made it seem like it was going to be, being that it was our first Christmas being married. I went to Abilene a little earlier than Addison because he was going to be working a lot and I was just going to be sitting at home. I will never go home early again. I don't know why but we just didn't feel like it was a big deal at the time to be apart for a little bit. It was great getting to spend a little extra time with my family and help my mom with some last minute shopping things but I missed Addison terribly! Anyways, once he finally got to Abilene we started the shuffle from my parents house to his. It was so fun being there with all of his family. There is always something going on! It was an even more exciting time with Annalee getting to be there for her first Christmas. Here's a few pictures that I got of her while we were there...

 I think being around both mine and Addison's family and always doing something made it a little easier to get through the holiday's without my Grandmama. She was missed so much and thought about a lot during my time at home. I still can't grasp the concept that she is actually gone and I don't think I ever will. One thing that is really amazing though, is that we still have her dad, my Great-Great Grandfather, PawPaw. He is 94 years and such a sweetheart.

We had a busy Christmas day going from Addison's house to my house to my MawMaw's house and back to Addison's house. It was nothing short of crazy but we loved it. 

{My sweet Chandler at MawMaw's}

We also went to the ranch after Christmas as we usually do to relax and wind down. There wasn't very much good hunting but it was still fun being around family. We definitely didn't want to leave Abilene at all. It was a little weird coming back to College Station before everyone else but Add and I have gotten to spend a lot of time together, go on a few dates and watch lots of movies. Unfortunately, school starts a week from today. However, the good news is that it's my last Spring semester to be enrolled in classes and Addison's last semester in college! Where did the time go? 

Anyways, tomorrow we will be going to Katy for a few days to see how much sweet Annalee has grown and to spoil her a little bit.  Our last little getaway before school starts. I can't wait! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

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