Monday, October 24, 2011

Moments like this...

I had such an eventful weekend! I say "I" because Addison had to work all weekend. :(  The weekend started off with going to Katy on Friday to stay with Addison's family. I love how I can just pick and go stay with my in-law's by myself and feel completely comfortable. I am so blessed by all of them. Friday night we decorated for my Ashlee's baby shower that was happening the following day. I forgot to take pictures of the decorations but everything turned out very cute! Saturday we got ready for the shower to begin! It's funny how I've only been married two and half months but I was already missing Addison so much. It makes me realize how blessed I am to have him and how much he means to me. (he was back in College Station) The shower turned out so wonderful. Ashlee had family and friends there to shower her and Annalee with love and gifts. 

 After the shower Lauren picked me up and we headed to the U of H football game. It was so  much fun, and Case did awesome! 

On Sunday , Addison and I went to church as usual and then baked a little bit. We gathered up all 
my silver, took a little nap and then headed over to Lauren's house where everyone was waiting! The anticipation was killing me...I couldn't wait to see her!! Kate (Lauren's roommate) did such an amazing job decorating  their backyard for the engagement party. Everything looked so beautiful.

 I was very happy to be apart of this special day.

Showing off her new bling!! Congrats Lauren!!!

What a wonderful weekend! We hope you have a blessed week!

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