Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to Reality

My Grandmother ended up passing on Monday, October 3. Luckily I was babysitting, like every Monday and Wednesday, so the girls kept me entertained and going throughout the day. I knew I needed to get home as soon as possible so my sweet Father-In-Law flew down to College Station to come get me and flew me back to Abilene. He is so amazing, I don't know what my family would have done without him. My Mom and Dad were so happy to finally have me home so we could all be together and start planning the funeral. For the next couple days I was busy putting together a video slideshow and a speech for the day of. It was a very bittersweet time for us all...knowing that Grandmama would never be with us again but also knowing that she wasn't suffering anymore and that she is in a way better place. 

Addison and I came home yesterday (Sunday) and it was back to reality. We dumped out our bags and there clothes lining our whole hallway and into our room. I will being doing laundry forever. Addison has a lot of work and homework this week and I have 3 tests and a quiz. Welcome to the life of a college student. 

It is taking some time to adjust to a life without my Grandmama but I will keep her memories with me forever and will always tell my kids about her. For now I will continue to follow the Lord's plan for mine and Addison's life even though we obviously have no idea what it entails sometimes! I pray you have a blessed week. 

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