Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Busy September

September 3rd was the first Aggie football game! Being an Aggie, this is a pretty important time of the year. Addison's family came in, some went to the game while others stayed back at his older sister Misty's house, to watch her twin boys and baby girl (she's not a baby anymore but it makes me sad not to call her one). Here are a few pictures from the game...

Addison and his buddies...

A couple weeks later my cousins and their kiddos came down to College Station to see me and Addison for my birthday! I will probably talk about my cousin a lot (Keri) because she is very important to me. We have always been more like sisters which I absolutely love since I have none! I am very close to her husband as well, J. They are such awesome people and so caring, which is why they drove all the way from Abilene to College Station with their 4 kids, ranging form 9 to 1 and stayed with us in our apartment! It was so much fun, I can't wait until they come back...or maybe I can. Just kidding! 

While they were here we baked...

Addison and Chandler colored...

We went out to eat...

Kinley trying on Laurel's 3-D classes from the movies...she is so precious. 

My parents came Saturday the 17th, the same day Keri, J and the kids left and I spent the next two days with them. Mom and I went shopping when they got here and Dad and Addison went and played golf at Miramont, a ritzy golf course here in CS. That night we went out to eat for an early birthday dinner at The Republic. The best food I have ever tasted!

On Sunday Addison and I started our "Newly Married" class at church. We feel so blessed to have found a church home during our time here in College Station. Addison's sister, Misty, and her husband, Frank, also go to Central Baptist so it is very nice to be surrounded by familiar faces and have their love and support. My parents met us at church and I guess we were all pretty tired, or maybe just me because I took a 3 hour nap when we got home! I was all ready to go do some more shopping when rest my head on the pillow for a minute and didn't get up until 3 hours later. Mom and I still had time to get a mani/pedi though. After that, we called it a night. Monday, September 19th was my actual birthday. We went to BJ's Brewhouse where they brew their own beer and I ordered my first drink!

Addison didn't want to leave me hangin' so he ordered him one too. What a good hubby...

My wonderful parents!

Later that night Addison and I went to Cheddar's, one of my favorite places to eat, and had some an awesome time celebrating with friends! This is one of my good friends, Lauren, she's pretty awesome. 

Keri and I share the same favorite dessert...The Cookie Monster! It's unbeatable. 

And this leads us to where we are today. Already in bed, about to finish up some studying and getting ready for what tomorrow will bring. Like I said before, our life is not very eventful but we love it and wouldn't change it for the world. Hope you have a blessed week!

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