Monday, September 26, 2011

Let's see how this goes...

I have wanted to start blogging for quite some time now, not that my life is interesting or anything but after writing in a journal for 30 minutes ever week since I was little I decided it was time to take advantage of technology. I don't know how to decorate this blog, upload pictures or do anything yet so I will have to find someone that is tech-savvy to teach me how! I really wanted to make this blog so that my family and friends can be updated while I am hundred of miles away from them. There are new things that are happening in my life all the time. I got married, started a new nannying job, changed my major, turned 21 and many other things. Hopefully I will take the time to update so one day I can read it to my kids. I'll catch you up on what's been happening soon!

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