Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Beginning

I guess I should update everyone on the last couple months of our lives since they have been most eventful! First I will introduce me and my lovely husband...

This is Addison. My husband above all things keeps me going. He is lighthearted, so sincere, self-less, works so hard at whatever he does, cares for me unconditionally and loves the Lord. He loves to play intramural baseball and softball games, he's also Assistant Manager at a Textbook store plus goes to school with a major in Ag-Eco. He will graduate from A&M in May of 2012! Oh how I love him!

I'm Charlee. I don't take things to serisouly. I would like to say I'm pretty enjoyable to be around. I can be pretty shy so it can take me a while to break out of my shell sometimes. I love my job. I babysit twin girls. Ever since I was little all I have wanted to be when I grow up was a Mom. However, in the meantime, I am a Human Resources and Development Major and I am hopefully going to graduate in May of 2013. Whoop!

Addison and I got married on August 6, 2011 after dating on and off for the past 6 years. We loved our wedding and can't believe it has already been almost 2 months since we've been married. Here's a picture of us leaving the church...

We went on an amazing honeymoon to Hawaii!

And then came back to College Station, Texas where we currently reside. Addison had to immediately jump in and start working again, while I had two weeks off to get everything situated. After those two weeks were up we started school, I started work (babysitting/nannying...whatever you want to call it) and things have been crazy ever since!

I hope you feel updated on our lives so far...but just wait there is way more to come!

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