Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I really need to get better at this blogging thing....There has been so much going on that I have had no time at all to think about blogging.  Addison and I (mostly Addison) have almost completely finished the kitchen.  We still have a few things to do so I won't post pictures yet.  We still want to re-do both of the guest bathrooms, but after realizing how much work it actually takes, we feel they can be put off for a while.  I am amazed at the job Addison, his dad and everyone else, did with the overhaul of the kitchen.  I love to cook now and we actually like spending time in our kitchen now.  

I graduate with my bachelor's in two weeks!!!!  I feel like I graduated a million years ago, but my homework and internship still haunts me.  It's amazing how getting married at 20, buying a house and getting a big girl job will make you grow up a lot sooner than you thought you would.  I would not trade my life for anything!  Just last week, I had probably the next year planned out in my mind, man how things have changed, but only for the better.  I trust in God's plan always and pray for his timing in everything.  Speaking of timing, Addison and I have made it past the year and a half mark!  I can't believe how times flies.  I thank God for the man he is and how he supports and loves me and my family unconditionally.  

I always wanted to seek your prayers in praying for Addison's nephew.  He is going through a lot of issues with his heart right now and was just put on the transplant list.  Again, we know God has a plan and trust him through everything.  

A lot of changes going on right now in our life but whether they are good or bad we always praise God and cling to his promises.  We pray you have a blessed week!

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