Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life Lately

So it has been a while since I've posted. Mostly because we haven't been doing too much these past few weeks. 
Last week I got to take my sweet cousins, Chandler (4) and Kinley (2) out for ice cream for their birthdays.

 I have absolutely loved getting to spend more time with these two and their brother and sister Carter and Laurel. Last Thursday night Add and I had all four of them stay the night with us so Keri and J could have a night off before homeschooling starts up. It was eventful to say the least. They immediately sat down for cartoons but that wasn't going to fly! I was there to play with them and entertain them. We played hide-and-go-seek for a good while, built a fort in our living room, cooked rice krispies and ate yummy pizza. We then watched a movie, got them all ready for bed and spent another 30 minutes trying to get the little ones to go down. I think they were just too excited to go to sleep! Our bedroom turned into one big pallet as all of them decided to stay with us in our room. Around 4:00 A.M. we got to experience what it would be like to have a little one in bed with us as Kinley wanted right in the middle! 

Like I've said before we've come to a pretty good stopping place on the house for a little while. We needed to take a break and so did our bank account. I'm sure our neighbors are wondering when in the world we are going to do something with our front yard. We'll get there one of these days but at the moment our ripped up bushes and dead grass will just have to do. 

When we got the entertainment center in our house my mom filled it with a few odds and ends that we had laying around the house (I let her do all the decorating) and she recently added to it. I'm still wanting to buy some old books, a mini plant, big baskets and little frames with family in them but for now this is what it looks like!

Update on job hunt:
Just a recap of what has been going on in the job hunt the past few weeks. I went in for an interview with First Financial a few weeks ago and was told that they didn't have a place for me at the moment but that I could fill my Internship requirements through A&M next semester with them. Well...they called back on last Friday and said that they got approved to hire an intern for this semester! I went in yesterday to fill out some papers, get background checked and drug tested. Crossing my fingers I passed ;) They should get back the results today and let me know when I'll start. This was a huge blessing for me and Addison. Even though I am enjoying my time being a housewife, getting to spend extra time with my mom, dad and rest of the family I am getting a little stir crazy and needed to feel like I was actually doing something with my days. I am beyond excited to start working in the Human Resources Department for First Financial. They are all so sweet and just as excited for me. 

Today, Add goes to Glenrose for a retreat for his work until Friday. I'll definitely be missing him but we'll reunite Friday as we head to Corpus Christi for Labor Day Weekend! We are so excited to see Abe and Court and spend some time at the beach. 

We hope you have a blessed week and a fun weekend!

Monday, August 6, 2012

One Year

It has been one year today that Addison and I were married.  Oh, how time flies.  There are so many things that happened this first year, good and bad but mostly good.  The Lord was so incredibly good to us this past year.  If you haven't been reading Add and I got married a year ago today and moved into an apartment in College Station. We both worked and went to school. We had my 21st birthday, Add got his Aggie Ring, we had our 1st married Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter together, Addison graduated from Texas A&M and got a job back home in Abilene.  We bought a house and he started his new job at FDLIC right after.  We celebrated his 23rd birthday, I moved back to College Station to finish 2 classes and here we are today...one year married! Even though we cannot be together today I am so lucky to finally be reunited with him tomorrow for the last time for the rest of our life!  

To my husband,
Thank you for still giving me butterflies in my tummy like when you first talked to me 8 years ago.
Thank you for always believing in us trusting in our relationship. 
Thank you for all the lessons that you taught me over the past 8 years. 
Thank you for always believing me and being my #1 fan.
Thank you for working hard everyday so that we can have what we have.
Thank you for always trusting in the Lord when I am doubtful.
Thank you for always making light of dark situations. 
Thank you for being by my side when I need you most.
Thank you for loving me and holding me when my Grandmama past away.
Thank you for making me feel safe.
Most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your wife.
I love you today and forever. You are my everything! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Weekend

Since I am about to order our first blog book (a book filled all my blog posts) I thought I would try to get everything in that I can, so here are a few details from last weekend...

I got in to Abilene Thursday and got some good time in with Addison before I had to write a paper due Friday morning.  Add of course had to go to work Friday so he dropped me off bright and early at my parents house so that I could use their internet and turn my paper in before 8:00.  I then continued to wake to my momma up so we wouldn't waste a minute together! We did girl stuff all day which is always so fun.  Friday night we went to my parents house for dinner. My aunt, uncle and cousins all came too. I was so happy to see everyone since I've been away. The boys are growing up so fast and Laney was just the cutest thing ever in her fancy dress and talking up a storm.

So excited to see Papa D and Laney on the balcony.
One of my best friends from college also came into town and stayed with me and Add. We had a quick chat with my parents and then headed to Martha Kate's lingerie shower.  Saturday I got to spend the day with Lauren while Addison went golfing and hung out with Abe and his dad.  We started off by going to  pick up Jency from GayGay's house and to go to Kinley's 2nd birthday party!!!   It was fun bringing my own child to a birthday party for once!  She was so sweet playing with all the other girls.  It seems like Kinley just turned one and now she is wearing big girl panties, sleeping in a big girl bed, talking up a storm, and just being so darn cute.  She makes my heart so full of joy and I am so thankful for the blessing she is to me, as well as the rest of the Sanders crew.  

Jency with her baby having fun at the party 

After the party, Lauren and I ran some errands, had lunch, and watched Batman Begins until it was time to get ready.  Martha Kate and Zac's wedding was that night so some friends came over before to see the house and to all ride together to T&P.  The wedding was so beautiful and Martha made a gorgeous bride.  I am so sad that I still can't find my camera charger so all of these pictures were ones I either took with my phone or stole for someone :)

Her dress was all lace and SO gorgeous!!!

The only picture I got of us... 

Sunday we finally got to go to Beltway. I love that that is our church for now and ever!  After church we went and ate at GayGay and Pa's then I had to head home to pack up! I ended up not leaving until later so I got to spend some more time with my mom, dad and Trent.  Around 5:00 T-Bird picked me up and we headed back here to College Station! Last trip back as student.