Wednesday, November 27, 2013

24 Weeks

24 weeks has almost come and gone just like that!  Since I wasn't able to post a 22 week update, this last-second picture my mom took as I was walking out the door will have to do for my 22 week picture.
Here's 23 weeks:
...and yes I actually was going to work out! :)

As I mentioned in the last post, we are busy getting her bathroom done and room cleaned out completely.  The guest bedroom has become somewhat of a junk room for the past year and a half since we've been in our home in Abilene so it has taken a while to go through everything.  The construction zone in the bathroom is completely closed for business.  Now it's my job to get everything clean and functional...shower curtain hung, towel racks, etc...  I will post soon on inspiration for her room as well!
At 24 weeks:
How far along: 24 weeks, 4 days
Due date:  Sticking with March 15th.  I have a feeling she will pass this date.  We will see. 
Size: About 1.25 pounds and somewhere between 11.5 and 12.5 inches long!  About the size of an ear of corn. 
Gender: Girl!
Cravings/Aversions: Still not into BBQ but other than I pretty much like/don't like everything the same as before I was pregnant.  However, I do have to get in my mac n cheese fix atleast once a week!
Sleep: Sleep is so-so.  Since after 20 weeks I am only supposed to sleep on my side, my hips get really sore and I have to switch sides a lot in the middle of the night.  The constant going to the bathroom has stopped for this period of time but I know it will come back sooner than I want it to!
Movement: Where to begin.  Little girl moves ALL the time...except when people want to feel her move and then she just stops.  (Stubborn like her momma.)  She has started sticking out different parts of her body and makes my tummy look funny.  She loves to hang out on my left side and give me a good jab that never fails to make me jump! She is getting so big!
Maternity clothes: In all maternity pants and some regular, some maternity tops.  The full panel maternity pants are starting to become more comfortable than the under-the-belly pants due to the pressure that they put on my growing belly.  
Best moment this week: Just seeing her move all the time and getting her room started!
Next appointment: Next appt. is on December 16th (at a little over 27 weeks) to hear the heartbeat.  Then we will move to every couple of weeks!

I can't believe that this time next year we will have the most beautiful 8 month crawling around.  We have much to give thanks for this Thanksgiving!  We hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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