Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Weekend in Corpus

This past weekend we made the trek to Corpus Christi, Texas to visit Abe and Courtney.  We hadn't gone to visit them since last September so this visit was much overdue!  The trip was pretty long so when we got there we were ready to sit back and relax.  Soon after we arrived the bay breeze and margarita's were hitting' the spot! ;)  Us four stayed up until 2:00 in the morning talking and laughing, it was perfect.  

The next morning Courtney took me to her favorite coffee shop for Coconut cream pie and french toast and they were yummmy!  We also did a little shopping which is a must when Court and I get together.  She basically keeps me up-to-date on all the latest fashion, cosmetics, candles and house decor.  I don't know what I would do without her expertise!  After shopping we went to the aquarium and ended the day by eating at Harrison's Landing on the water.  The boys and their dad went fishing on Sunday so we were happy to get to spend just a little more time together until Add and I had to head home.  

Courtney and Abe-we LOVED getting to come stay with y'all in Corpus.  Thank you for being such wonderful hosts for the weekend.  We promise we will not wait that long again to make a trip down there!!

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