Sunday, June 30, 2013


Lately, Add and I have really been trying to get in a good routine.  It seems like summer always throws us off a little bit since we're going here and there all the time but when we're home, we try to stick to somewhat of a routine.  

In May, I left First Financial as an HR Specialist and went to work for my parents for the time being to help my mom recoup and do what was needed around the house since she could not.  Since then, (and not just because of me) her wounds are completely closed up on her knee (from her knee replacement almost 5 months ago) and she is now getting to do some therapy on it 3x per day.  During this time it is very important that she still does not push it farther than needed which is where I come in.  I feel very blessed and thankful that I am able to help out for the time being and praise God for her process and healing!!

When I get home after work, I get about an hour to myself to clean up and get supper started before Add comes in hungry and tired! I try to cook dinner at least 4 out of the 5 nights during the week.  Add has done really well with his workout routine, as for me, I am walking/running about 4-5 times a week and trying to incorporate lifting weights as well.  It is hard going from taking workout classes everyday to trying to come up with your own workouts.  (I ended my membership with Hendrick Health Club when I left FFB)  

Other than that, we have really been enjoying having friends and family over as we now have a functioning kitchen and a cozy living room to gather.  We have also really enjoyed our life group on Monday nights. It is full of real people who truly want to share life together and encourage one another.  We are so blessed to have found them! 

We have a few busy months ahead but I am so excited!  In July, I will be heading to Austin one weekend for one of my best friend's bachelorette party as well as attending the wedding the following weekend.  We will also be going to the Frio River to soak up some sun and spend some time with Add's family.  They do this trip every year and this will be my FIRST year to get to go!  The past 8 years I have either been at camp, on a family vacation or been involved in weddings.  I am very excited to finally get to go!  In August we will be heading to Mexico for our 2nd Anniversary!  

I love summer time, swimming, laying in the sun, vacations but I'm not gonna lie...I may have told my mom the other day that I am already ready for fall to be here.  For now, I am trying to enjoy this 100 degree weather and blasting our window unit :)  

Update on our bedroom and living room next!  We hope you have a blessed week!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Finishing touches on the kitchen!

I finally feel like our kitchen remodel/decorating is coming to a close!  It feels like yesterday that we moved in to our house and yet we have done so much to it already that it is starting to feel more and more like home everyday.  I know I have said how much I love my kitchen but I really really love it.  I am SO extremely thankful for my husband who really cared about how much a functional kitchen meant to me and took the steps to make this kitchen come together.  I can't imagine not cooking in it every night and sitting down for our family meals which was just not possible before.  Everything from the cabinets to the granite to the floor are absolutely perfect for our first home!

This little nook was originally our pantry area before the new kitchen because we don't have an actual walk-in pantry.  We left the doors off instead and added a few decorative pieces and cookbooks.  

Can you tell that I love the Pioneer Woman?  

Oops..forgot to close a few cabinets but you get the picture! 

Granite and sink area up close. 

I found this cute decorative kitchen towel in Corpus last weekend.  It is a good reminder when I am cooking breakfast to "choose joy today!"

We have so much open space when you walk in to the kitchen.  Maybe one day we'll get an island for more space to prepare but I am enjoying have it all open for now!

I love my spoon, fork and knife that Keri and J got me for graduation! 

Coffee is a must for me every morning!

I am so happy with how everything turned out and would love to cook for any of you in my new kitchen! :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Weekend in Corpus

This past weekend we made the trek to Corpus Christi, Texas to visit Abe and Courtney.  We hadn't gone to visit them since last September so this visit was much overdue!  The trip was pretty long so when we got there we were ready to sit back and relax.  Soon after we arrived the bay breeze and margarita's were hitting' the spot! ;)  Us four stayed up until 2:00 in the morning talking and laughing, it was perfect.  

The next morning Courtney took me to her favorite coffee shop for Coconut cream pie and french toast and they were yummmy!  We also did a little shopping which is a must when Court and I get together.  She basically keeps me up-to-date on all the latest fashion, cosmetics, candles and house decor.  I don't know what I would do without her expertise!  After shopping we went to the aquarium and ended the day by eating at Harrison's Landing on the water.  The boys and their dad went fishing on Sunday so we were happy to get to spend just a little more time together until Add and I had to head home.  

Courtney and Abe-we LOVED getting to come stay with y'all in Corpus.  Thank you for being such wonderful hosts for the weekend.  We promise we will not wait that long again to make a trip down there!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More on graduation weekend

I promised more graduation pictures...get ready for picture overload!
Mom got me some cte A&M cupcakes to take down there

Family minues Trav (had to leave early for work)

Thankful for a very supportive husband!

Love my momma!

So happy about my new pictures!

The kids watching intently for about ten minutes...

Woohoo that's my name!

Hubby and I under the big ring on campus

My favorite little family

I love my family!!!
My best friend and cousin!
Love my brother.
So there you have it, our weekend in pictures.