Saturday, February 23, 2013

Update: Part 1

Since the last time I posted, in October, Addison and I had our second Thanksgiving and Christmas together.  It was so much fun actually being in Abilene for both holidays, and getting to go from on house to another whenever we pleased.  It was also the first time that both Addison or I did not get a big Thanksgiving and Christmas break; and let me tell ya, it was rough.  People always told us to enjoy college as long as we could, and I think were now finally understanding that.

Sweet Laurel as the "Harlequin Doll" in the Nut Cracker.  She's amazing!
 Such a precious picture to me.  This is my Dad's little brother, Uncle David who is now in hospice. 
 We celebrated Annalee's 1st birthday!  We love this little girl like she is our own. 
 I took 3 days off from work to get my wisdom teeth out.  Glad I had Lucy to snuggle with.  
 Went hunting by myself for the 1st time.  (I have always gone with my Daddy)  So---we have a mountain lion on the loose at our ranch, and right before I left that evening to go hunting, my mom told me "watch out for the mountain lion."  The sun was about to go down and I was getting a little fidgety until the thing pictured below walked right across the creek below me.  Now, of course it was a lot smaller but still!  It scared me to death, I couldn't even hold my phone.  Why I didn't shoot it?  My scope was off since it was so close and well, I freaked out and didn't pull the trigger fast enough. Maybe next time...
 This picture is from google BTW. 
 Over Christmas, all the guys worked day and night to get this feeder filler up and running.  It helps feed the deer feeders a whole heck of a lot faster and is just pretty amazing that Addison and his family could do this.  My dad is pretty happy about it, to say the least.  
 We did a lot of hanging out at the ranch by the fire. 
 We attended FDLIC's Christmas Party.  It was the most amazing event we have probably ever been to.   We are so blessed to be apart of such an incredible company.  They are doing BIG things there!
I was also able to have some of my best friends over for a Christmas/New Year's get-together.  I was so happy to see each of them and sad for those who couldn't make it. 

Other than that, Addison is absolutely loving working at FDLIC.  Like I said before, they really are the most amazing company to work for and be apart of.  On January 1st, I became a Full-time (permanent) employee for First Financial.  They have been really good to me and I also feel very blessed to have such a great job.  On January 14th, my sweet momma had knee replacement surgery so I took about a week off in all to be with her and help her recoup.  It was really hard at first, but she is now getting better each and every day.  We thank God for watching over her the past few months.  She has been so strong during this whole process, which makes me love and look up to her even more.  She has also had some wonderful friends that have visited her on many occasions and brought her movies and food.  

On another note, Addison and I are re-doing our kitchen right now, which I will post about later.  My sweet mother-in-law has helped us the whole way, we couldn't do it without her.  We also got a new dachshund today!  She is 2 years old and we rescued her from Rescue the Animals.  "Millie" is not too fond of Addison or my dad right now but I think she will warm up to them.  Hopefully she will put off baby fever for a little bit. ;)  That's it for November-January!

I promise the next post won't be in 4 months!


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