Thursday, July 16, 2015

hustle and bustle

Wow!  What a crazy three and a half months it has been since we moved into our new house (and not to mention the ten months before that, living in very small quarters with a baby). Our sweet girl turned one on March 24th and we moved in shortly after that.  There were still quite a few things that we had to do after we moved in, so between all the crazy weekends we have tried to get some things done.  Our garage is still a mess, we're waiting until next spring to do our landscaping however, we did lay sod, and have gotten some other important things done.  I think it is going to take us a good year to feel like we finally have finished the housebuilding process and can move on to more fun things.  Oh the joys of building a house yourself!  

Most importantly, we have tried to spend as much time as we can with our precious Taterbug.  She has gotten so much bigger, smarter, funnier and more precious every day since we have been in this house.  So far this summer we have tried to fill our days with lots of fun.  We have been out of town a few times, visited the zoo and gone swimming many times.  Who knows what next summer will look like, so I am trying to soak in all the time I can with my baby girl.  My mom has been awesome in that she watches Tatum for a little while in the morning while I go workout and hangs out with us during the day if we are in town.  My parents living room now looks like a baby store and Tatum absolutely loves it.  

Tatum is finally on a one nap schedule which has been great!  The time that she sleeps though, does vary (1.5-2.5 hours).  Tatum is now almost 16 months old and is talking up a storm.  She says about 15 words that she can spout out at any time and then she will repeat just about anything that we tell her to.  She loves to read books, hang upside down, do flips, give kisses (only when she wants to), play with her babies, chase Millie, carry around and wear mommies shoes and go through any cabinet or drawer she can. There are definitely moments where I have to take a deep breath and regroup, but our girl is an absolute joy and makes us laugh constantly.  

Since moving in to the new house, Addison and I have had to do a little regrouping ourselves, and remember what it's like again to just be us three.  I don't do very good with transitions.  I tend to get overwhelmed easily and that brings on anxiety and anxiousness.  All of those things tend to bring on unhappiness and leaning more on myself than on God.  Thank God for a loving and patient husband that has helped me to see the light in everything and helps me to always be thankful. At this new house, we focus more on quality time, working outside and just being together.  Let me tell you, it is such a sweet time being in constant communion with my two favorite people.  We decided against getting Direct Tv, so we have a little cable box and get about 3 good channels.  We also got an Apple TV box for our living room.  This helps us stay intentional about our quality time and cuts our TV time way down and saves a good amount of money each month!  

As August quickly approaches, we are going to try and enjoy the last little bit of summer we have left.  Although, I can't say that I'm not ready for Fall to be here already!  

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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