Sunday, March 8, 2015

Eleven Months!

(As of 2-24-15) It seems as though I can only get in Tatum's monthly updates, but that is what is most important anyways.  Eleven months came way too fast.  We are staying really busy with building the house so naturally, days with our girl are flying by.

Tatum Blair, you are month away from being one year old!  You are the biggest joy we have ever known and we can't get enough of you!  You are a dream baby and so fun to be around.  

You still sleep about 11-12 hours at night but your bedtime has been moved a little bit later.  If you are happy, sometimes we will keep you up as late as 9:00 because we just love to watch you play!  
You love to get in Millie's dog bed.
On average, you go down between 8:00 and 8:15 and will wake up between 7:30 and 8:00.  You sleep so well these days and I am still forever thankful!  You drink a 6 oz bottle when you wake up (which you like to hold by yourself) and then have fruit about 9:15.  You play until around 10:30 and go down for an hour and a half nap.  When you wake up, you get another 6 oz bottle and a little bit of lunch.  When you eat, we give you a sippie cup and you can down some water!  This is something that I have always felt was very important, which is why I still have not truly introduced any other liquids besides water and formula.   
On Tuesday's, we go eat lunch with Mema.
We usually try to get our errands run and see daddy for lunch before your next nap between 2:30 and 3:00.  Another 6 oz bottle when you wake up and more play time.  Dinner is around 6:00 and this usually includes vegetables or whatever we are having for dinner if you can eat it.  Bath is around 7:00 and then you play until about 7:45, when you get an 8 oz bottle and you're off to bed!
You have mastered the fake cry and fake laugh.  Both of these are absolutely hilarious.  Your main words are "mama", "dada", "heeeyy" and "bye", but you will you say a few other things and will try to mimic any other sounds.  You like to bang on the xylophone, give mommy and daddy "love", "love" your stuffed animals, get in Millie's dog bed, play in the bathtub and play peek-a-boo.  You also love to help mommy with the laundry.  You will get out every single piece of clothing and hand it to me to fold.  It melts my heart every time.
You climb on absolutely everything!
 You are so close to walking.  You will let go of things without realizing it so we know it is only a matter of time before you gain enough confidence to take off by yourself.  For right now, you are perfectly happy holding our hands for support.  You love to be outside, especially in your wagon.
You are the sweetest, happiest baby, although you have a little bit of stranger danger.  You definitely know what "no" means and will shake your head and say "uh uh" when someone tries to do something that you don't want them to, like try and hold you.  The best way to get you on someone's good side is by feeding you and getting down on the floor and playing with you.  
Hopefully our last picture in the snow for the season!
Trying on your new smocked bubble that "Sugar" got you, while it was snowing outside.
We are so blessed by you each and every day.  The Lord has been so good to us.  You are so much fun and we can't wait to see what this next month brings!!