Thursday, December 12, 2013

26 Weeks

I literally feel like I can never catch up when it comes to this blog lately!  It doesn't help that we still don't have internet, however I did call and they are coming to install it on Saturday!  

We spent Thanksgiving this year with my mom's side of the family at my cousin, Keri's house.  We also had a sweet surprise and welcomed the newest addition to our family, Tenley Elizabeth born the eve of Thanksgiving.  She is tiny, beautiful and perfect!

About a week later I started getting sick...again...with a horrible cough and congestion.  Since I can only take Tylenol products I loaded up on Tylenol Cold (which I am still hoping was ok to take) and slathered Vick's on my chest, which I couldn't smell in the least.  I have not been fun to be around the past week, or to sleep with...sorry honey!

I am just now starting to feel better but the lack of energy I have is killin' me!  I just know I am going to break the scale when I go to the doctor in a week because all I've been doing the past 2 weeks is eating and sleeping.  However, I have tried to get in exercise, whether going to the gym or walking around our neighborhood.  My tummy usually starts cramping up after about only 15 minutes of walking which really frustrates me.  I think this is due to not being in the best shape before I got pregnant and taking a few months off during my first trimester.  
About halfway through our walks, Millie always refuses to continue and makes me carry her until we get home.  One man stopped and said "it looks like she trained you instead of the other way around".  Thanks man.
**To those who are trying to get pregnant or will be in the future: don't let getting pregnant be your excuse for not exercising. That's what I did and I regret every week I did not get my butt out of bed and go to the gym!! It is amazing for you during your pregnancy and will make you feel so much better about yourself.  

At 26 weeks:

How far along: 26 weeks, 5 days
Due Date: March 15th
Size: Over 14 inches, 1.75 lb.  Size of a hothouse cucumber?
Gender: Girl!
Cravings/Aversions: I crave coke but limit my intake, loving orange juice and that's about it this week!
Sleep: Sleep has been horrible the past week until last night but not because I'm pregnant.  I haven't been able to breathe at all but that is getting better! I think baby girl knew her momma wasn't feeling good so I haven't gotten any early morning wake-up calls the past week.
Movement: She still moves quite a bit during the day.  It is so funny to see her little body parts sticking out of my tummy (as much as her tiny limbs can).  My tummy is getting very tight to the point where I can't imagine it stretching anymore but I know she still has quite a bit of growing to do!  
Maternity Clothes: In all maternity pants.  I have officially transitioned into all full belly maternity pants.  The under the belly pants were not cutting it anymore.  I can still wear a few non-maternity shirts but I'm all about comfort from this point on and maternity tops are so easy to fit over this big belly.
Best moment this week: Finally sleeping through the night last night!
Next appointment: December 16th to hear the heartbeat.  I hear there will be no more sonograms just appointments to hear the heartbeat.

In nursery news, I finally have a vision for what I want it to look like. If you follow me in instagram you probably saw this photo I posted...
We painted one wall color a brighter pink and the other three walls a very light pink.  This is FAR from what I thought I would do but when we found out we were having a girl it was hard to shy away from anything pink and frilly.  I am trying to keep in mind her future rooms and the stages of life that she'll go through so the things that we have bought are hopefully things can be versatile for the next baby or for her future "big girl room".  

Add did find that gorgeous hardwood floor underneath the carpet in her room last week.  He decided to tear it all up and get to sanding and staining it.  We ran in to a little road block a few nights ago when the big can of stain did not match the sample that we bought a day earlier.  Half of the room was done in a tiny sample can and now we cannot find the right shade to match it sooo....looks like he has more sanding to do. :/  

Once he is finishing sanding/staining/putting more trim up we will be in business!  Hopefully just in time to move her rocker and ottoman in which will be in next week and her crib not long after that!  Before we found the hardwood floors I had washed all her clothes that family and friends had bought her or handed down to her and put them in her closet along with some accessories for her room.  Well they are now all laying in our room on the floor waiting for the floors to be done so they can be put back up!
See that pink bag?  That's her diaper bag!  Again, never thought I would go with something so pink but it is more of a tote so I thought she could use it in the future for a little over-the-night bag if it doesn't get too dirty this next year.
I bought and downloaded these sweet prints off of Etsy for above her crib.  

The "Hello Beautiful" print is for her bathroom.  The other four will go above her crib matted in white with a white frame.  I. Can't. Wait. to get them up!!!  I'm just hoping they won't be too busy all together but I think it will be ok.  

Her furniture is getting painted white at a local place here in Abilene and is the same furniture that I used growing up.  Really, the only big thing left to buy is a rug since her room will now have hardwood floors.  In my dreams, I want something that can go in any room of the house in case we move and she has carpet again but I doubt that will happen.  
This rug caught my eye on a blog I was browsing recently and it is a great price right now on Overstock.  Not very functional for other rooms of the house but it really is a great price for an 8x10 rug.  I guess we'll see!  

Hopefully by 28 weeks we will have room that actually looks like a baby will be sleeping in it in less than 3 months!

Merry Christmas! :)