Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Short and Sweet

Here is a short and sweet update of our life the past month!  Addison and I have continued to work on the kitchen and added a few little things here and there.  I promise I will post pictures soon, just need to find my camera :)  Just when we get one room finished, I am ready to move on to the next.  We took a step back though and amped up our curb appeal instead.  You can't really tell in this picture but basically our house was surrounded by a jungle when we bought it.  We did a little shaping up last summer but really needed to take more plants out and replant everything this summer so that is just what Addison, his mom and I did on Sunday!  

Basically we wanted to just give the house a cleaner look.  The knock-out roses will grow taller than the indian hawthorn and it will add some pretty color and already makes the front yard look so much better! We did some work on the other side-I will update soon.  We want to to continue on and rip out those boxwoods that are on either side of the porch and lay down new grass.  We are realizing more and more what real home ownership means.  

Going back a little bit, on May 10th I graduated from Texas A&M!  I literally thought this day would never come.  Being that I already had most of my hours completed and had moved back to Abilene early, I almost felt like I was going backwards by going back to College Station to graduate if that makes sense?  I had in my mind that I had already moved on and started my life here with Add, such as buying a house, getting a job and then to go back and graduate just kind of threw me off.  Once the time came though, I was so ready and excited.  On Thursday the 9th, my parents and Add and I went down to CS a night early.  My SIL, Courtney, was in Brenham for work and decided to come hang out with us for the night.  We had a great diner at The Republic and crashed at the hotel afterwards.  

Friday, the day of graduation, Keri and J and all the kids came to support me and be with me.  I am still amazed at how many times they took all four kids and drove to College Station just to see me and spend time with me.  Keri and I were talking about some of our memories of when I was in college.  She once just brought Chandler (now four) down when she was a baby and stayed on a blow-up mattress in my dorm room.  Another time, they all surprised me on my door step for my birthday with a newborn at my apartment.  I have never been so happy to see them!  My mom and Keri surprised me once with the two younger girls when I was feeling a little lonely.  Looking back, I am so thankful for all of the family that was there for me during my three years in College Station.  When they arrived on Friday, the girls went and got pedicures and then we had a late lunch, early dinner and headed to graduation.  I had a minor freak out when I realized that I did not have a tassle to wear.  If you know me well, you know that I do not like being the center of attention and don't do well with a lot of people around me so when I found out I did not have a hassle, it made things about ten times worse.  After using some random persons cell phone to call my hubby, he came to my rescue, met me upstairs and bought me a tassle to wear for three hours.  I know, I'm a drama queen.  

We took pictures before because we knew that after it would be raining and sure enough it was coming down pretty good when I got out.  We also took some the next morning on campus.  Again, when I get more pictures I will share.  

^ My dad's cousin Phil Adams' quote


I will be back soon with more pictures!