Thursday, October 25, 2012

Girls Weekend

I feel like I was just writing about September and now October is almost over.  Add and I have been goin' and blowin' for the past month.  Both of our jobs are going really great.  I actually sat down with my Supervisor today to talk about some upcoming changes and my actual internship that will start in December for school credit and I left really encouraged.  Addison is moving his way around the to the different departments and comes home with some funny stories everyday.  We went to the ranch 3 weekends in a row but this last weekend I went to Waco with 3 of my best friends for a girls weekend. It was so good to be with my girls with no worries.  I sure missed my hubby though!  

This crazy nice nail salon. 

Fav dessert from Cheddars--the Monster Cookie

This weekend we will finally be staying home!  We'll be celebrating my sweet MIL's birthday with family.  I'll finally have a little bit of time to get some things done, get the house semi-clean and spend some time with family.  That's all I got for now!