Sunday, December 4, 2011

November, where did you go?

Mine and Addison's November was nothing short of hectic and crazy. We feel like we are ALWAYS going which can be a little much at times. We're grateful thought that we have ability to go all the time now because we know that one day we won't have that luxury. There are so many things that have gone on this month...I will start with the day Addison got his Aggie Ring! I think I was more excited than he was! He has had an extremely tiring semester with work and school. The week of the getting his ring he had tests and projects due and didn't really even have time to think about getting his ring. However, when the day finally came his excitement rose to the occasion and the rings looks awesome!

I am one proud wife! It is such an accomplishment to get your Aggie Ring. 9 more months until I get mine! After getting his ring we went to his sister, Misty's house for barbeque and then headed to the "Westover House" (Addison's old house which his parents own) and it was time to "dunk" the rings! If you're not familiar with this you put your new Aggie Ring in the bottom of a pitcher, fill  it with your drink of choice and chug it. Whoever chugs the fastest wins. Not one of the most wholesome traditions but it's pretty fun for the spectators...

On Saturday my parents and Addison and I went to celebrate at The Republic.

A week later we went home for Thanksgiving. We spent some time at Addison's family house and also went to my MawMaw's house. We tried to see everyone before we went to the ranch Friday-Sunday. I love this tradition of going to the ranch the day after Thanksgiving and this year we not only had Laney but Parker and Brooks too! They have all added so much fun to our holidays, I can't wait until we all start having more kiddos!

This past week Caitlin Blair came to College Station to visit. We have been friends since we were really little and also did cheerleading together in High School. I was so happy to see her and hang out with my girls for a night!!

Last but not least.....ANNALEE is here! Addison's sister, Ashlee and her husband Dallas had their sweet baby girl Friday morning. She is so precious words cannot even explain. 

I might be getting a little baby fever.....ok maybe a lot. I have to keep reminding myself that I have another year left of school and I also want a few more years to enjoy being married to my best friend without children. We never know God's plan for us though, so don't mark my words. :) I am definitely going to be spoiling this little girl and loving her like she's my own!

Congrats Ashlee and Dallas, Annalee is a lucky girl to have y'all as her parents.