Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have been a little behind on blogging but you haven't missed much! Last weekend (the 28th-30th) I went home because Addison had a work "off-site." His work usually goes out of town for these but they actually stayed in College Station this time. They catch up on business and see everyone from all the different stores. My parents were also on their way back from the Dominican so I got to stay with Keri, J and the kids for a couple of nights. I got some cute pictures while we were there. 

They have some kitties, so we played with them a lot!

Cutest Minney Mouse I've ever seen! 

I got the kids all an A&M shirt :)

When I got back to College Station, Addison and I started back up our busy week with school and work. Addison is basically in his last big semester so he is super busy with school right now. He spends a lot of his time at the library and gets very little sleep. We are very ready for this semester to be over! I was sick last week with a bad...cold? I don't know what it was because I didn't go to the doctor, but it was no fun. However, knowing that I was getting to go home again on Thursday was pushing me through! I had a test on Thursday that I dragged myself to and Addison had to do about the same for his test. 
We finally got to go home together on Thursday! My mom and I went to the Christmas Carousel Style Show on Friday, it was fun since I hadn't been in years. We also went shopping and saw a lot friends in the process. On Saturday we got to go to my little cousins 2nd birthday party! I can't how fast she is growing. We had such a great weekend and can't wait to be in Abilene for good! 

Now, ofcourse, we are already in bed about to go to sleep, getting ready for the week ahead. I will put up some pictures soon of our apartment for those who can't make it down here to visit! We pray you have a blessed week!